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A website being displayed in the default browser in a docked window
The same browser, now also displaying the Active Worlds website in the AW_3D viewpane

The URL command links the user to any web location including but not limited to pages, downloads or mailto: email links.


url [local/awpath:]address [target=frame]


The address is the URL of the website you wish to show. If no protocol is specified, http:// is the assumed default.


Prefacing a URL with local: will cause the browser to look for content in the "/default/web" directory in the browser's path. For example:

activate url local:mypage.html

This will cause the browser to look for C:\Active Worlds\default\web\mypage.html in a default install. This is really only useful for universe admins who want to pre-load web content for users. Attempting to access a local path outside this folder silently fails.


The awpath: prefix causes the browser to look in the local path set in the browser's settings for a file. If the file does not exist, it will open "http://<path>" instead.


The optional target argument allows you to specify the name of a target frame in the current web page to send the URL to. If the specified frame does not exist in the current web page, this will cause an external web window to be spawned to contain the new URL.

This argument only works in conjunction with the integrated web browser. It will not work with external web browsers such as Chrome, whose inter-process communication protocol does not support sending URLs to specific target frames.


You can specify the special target keyword aw_3d with the URL command which causes the triggered web page to replace the 3D window instead of being sent to a separate web window. For example:

activate url www.activeworlds.com target=aw_3d

Once the 3D window has been replaced with a web page, it can be restored by clicking on the large X button in the upper right corner of the new web page. The page can also be closed by linking to "aworld:?close" in the webpage.


  • If no target is set, the web page's destination is subject to the user's choice of web browser. As a guideline, the web page should be at least compatiable with Internet Explorer 6.
  • On a world level, web pages may be prevented from being triggered by create in the Options section of the World's features.
  • Please be aware of cell limit. If you upload pictures, sound or video files, use a short name. If you upload "me and my two dogs at Christmas" then that will be included in the download URL and eat up cell space. Call the uploaded file "v1" for a video or "s1" for sound or "p1" for a picture..something short, in order to save cell space. Just keep a note of your uploads, and what v1, s1 and p1 relates to, incase you want to change something in the future.
Object Scripting

Triggers: CreateBumpActivateAdoneAtCollideSdoneEnter ZoneExit Zone

Commands: AddforceAddtorqueAlpharefAnimateAstartAstopCameraColliderColltagColorCoronaEnviExamineFrameGroupLightLinkLockMatfxMediaMidiMoveNameNoiseOpacityPictureRotateSayScale SeqShadowShearSignSkewSkyboxSolidSoundTagTeleport / TeleportxTextureTimerURLVelocityVisibleWarpWeb nl:Commando:Url