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The move command causes an object to move smoothly from one location to another.


move x [y] [z] [loop OR noloop] [sync OR nosync] [reset OR noreset] [time=time] [wait=wait] [name=name] [smooth] [gravity] [ltm] [global]

x y z

The x y z arguments are three number values that specify the distance of movement on each respective axis. The y and z values can be omitted to only move the object along the x axis. Likewise, the z value can be omitted to only move the object along the x and y axis.


The loop and noloop flags specify whether or not the object stops after returning to its original position, or moves repeatedly back and forth between its starting and ending positions. The default is noloop.

sync / nosync

The sync and nosync flags specify whether or not a looping mover is synchronized to the universe clock. This is useful if several moving objects need to be synchronized with each other, or a very slow moving object needs to be seen in the same position by all users. Since this flag is only meaningful for looping movers, if sync is specified then loop is also assumed. The default is nosync.

reset / noreset

Introduced in version 3.1

The reset and noreset flags specify whether or not a mover returns immediately to its starting position at the end of its move. The default is noreset.


The optional time argument specifies how long the object takes to move from start to finish, and from finish to start. The default is 1 second.


The optional wait argument specifies how long a looping mover waits at either end of its journey, before moving back to the other location. The default is 0 seconds.


The smooth option will cause the object to accelerate as it begins moving, and decelerate as it nears the point where it will stop moving. This makes movement look more natural.


Using the gravity option will cause the object to move to the destination and then begin falling. Note that the object will not collide with scenery or bounce off of other objects, it will simply fall through other objects until the time runs out, when it will return to its original position.


By default, an object will move along the world's axis. This means that the object will move in the same directions regardless of its rotation. With the ltm option applied, the object will instead move along its local axis, which means its own rotation will be taken into consideration.


As with most other commands, you may choose to specify the name of another object to apply the move action to by using the optional name parameter.

You can also specify the name of a particle emitter to enable the movement of that emitter. However, you must also include the tag command for the emitter because of the limitations set on a PE when a name is set.


A command with the Global argument appended will cause the object to move globally for all users who have the object in view. Without the Global parameter, the object will move exclusively for the person who activates the trigger (bump, activate, adone).


create move -1 0 0 loop time=5 wait=3

Creates an object that moves 1 meter to the east in 5 seconds, waits there 3 seconds, returns to its original position, and then repeats the cycle.

create move 0 50 0 loop time=10 reset

Creates an object that moves 50 meters straight up in 10 seconds. At the end of the move, it immediately returns to its original position and repeats the cycle.

create visible off radius=40; activate move 6 19.69 0 gravity time=2 wait=25 global

Creates an object that will become invisible after 40 meters, when clicked on will go up and then come down and then wait 25 seconds before returning to its original position.

Object Scripting

Triggers: CreateBumpActivateAdoneAtCollideSdoneEnter ZoneExit Zone

Commands: AddforceAddtorqueAlpharefAnimateAstartAstopCameraColliderColltagColorCoronaEnviExamineFrameGroupLightLinkLockMatfxMediaMidiMoveNameNoiseOpacityPictureRotateSayScale SeqShadowShearSignSkewSkyboxSolidSoundTagTeleport / TeleportxTextureTimerURLVelocityVisibleWarpWeb nl:Commando:Move