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The teleport command sends the user to a new location immediately.


teleport [worldname] [+/-][north/south coordinate][N/S] [+/-][east/west coordinate][E/W] [+/-][altitude A] [+/-][direction]

All arguments are individually optional, however a valid teleport command must specify a destination of some sort. The teleport command cannot be used with the create trigger nor with the adone trigger.


The worldname argument specifies the world to send the user to. If no world is specified, the teleport is local to the current world.

N/S, E/W Coordinates


The north/south coordinate and east/west coordinate together specify the new location. The format of these coordinates are the same as how the current location is displayed in the browser title bar. If omitted, the coordinates default to "0N 0W". The coordinates may be omitted only if a world is specified and no other arguments are used.


The coordinates can also be relative. Relative coordinates are more often used with the warp command but they can also be used with teleport. To specify a relative coordinate, place a + or - character before it and omit the N/S/E/W character. If one coordinate is relative, all coordinates in the command must be relative or else the teleport will be invalid. See the below examples for a sample of a relative teleport.


The altitude argument specifies an optional new altitude. As with the coordinates, altitude is specified in units of 10 meters. The altitude argument must be terminated by the letter 'A' to distinguish it from the other arguments. It may also be made relative by placing a + or - in front.

Note: gravity kicks in immediately after a teleport is completed. When creating a teleport that sends users to a new altitude, keep in mind that they will begin falling immediately. If you are trying to place them on to an elevated surface, they often may not immediately load the ground or floor pieces required to keep them at the new elevation and will often "fall through" the floor before it loads. This can be a difficult problem to solve, but one thing you can try is teleporting them to an elevation that is well above the desired one, to increase the chances that the floor pieces will have loaded by the time they have fallen that far.


The direction argument specifies an optional new direction to face, in degrees. If omitted, the user remains facing the same direction as they were before the teleport. Sample direction numbers are noted below, but keep in mind that any number from 0 to 360 is valid.

Sample Direction Numbers:

  • 0: Faces North
  • 90: Faces West
  • 180: Faces South
  • 270: Faces East
  • 360: Faces North

This argument may also be made relative by placing a + or - in front.


bump teleport aw

This creates an object that sends the user to Ground Zero of AlphaWorld when bumped.

bump teleport 100n 100w 1.5a 180

When bumped this object will send the user to the location 100N 100W in the current world, at 15 meters above the ground and facing directly South.

activate teleport +0 +0 +10a

This creates on object that sends the user 100 meters directly up from their current location when they click on it. Note that +0 +0 needs to be specified for the coordinates even though only the altitude is to be modified.


  • Prior to version 1.1, released December 1996, teleporting to other worlds required their server name and port. This was analogous to providing a URL for another site. An example from void world for a bump panel uses the legacy host name and port for Alphaworld.
 bump teleport
Object Scripting

Triggers: CreateBumpActivateAdoneAtCollideSdoneEnter ZoneExit Zone

Commands: AddforceAddtorqueAlpharefAnimateAstartAstopCameraColliderColltagColorCoronaEnviExamineFrameGroupLightLinkLockMatfxMediaMidiMoveNameNoiseOpacityPictureRotateSayScale SeqShadowShearSignSkewSkyboxSolidSoundTagTeleport / TeleportxTextureTimerURLVelocityVisibleWarpWeb nl:Commando:Teleport