John Mayor

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John Mayor
— Person —

Aliases: Johnny, Nyxboy, Buga

Personality of Active Worlds
Status Active
Gender M
Citizen Since October 17, 2003
Citizenship 353126 and UI001
Main Residence(s) Sedan (Main)
Panala (Political)
Neophyx City (Private)
Location Montréal, Canada
Positions and involvements
Owner and Caretaker of Sedan,
Mayor of Neophyx, Head of UNESPA, Governor-G. of the United Islands, builder, urban developer and object designer.

John P Mayor, more commonly known as Nyxboy, is an owner and a cofounder of the world Sedan and the founder of Neophyx City located in the world America. His builts mostly consist of urban environments like dense cities, skyscrapers and road infrastructures.


Early Life in AW

Though his current citizenship dates from 2003, John, nicknamed back then Buga, made his first steps as a virtual builder in the galaxy of Le Village 3D in November 2000 where he started to learn how to build as a tourist and get familiar with the Active Worlds environment.

Sokiland (2001)

A few months later, Buga, still as a tourist, started to discover the main universe of Active Worlds. In May 2001, he founded in a remote area of Alphaworld a city called Sokiland. The city is still well preserved in its original shape.

America (2002)

Before America made its make over to become into the way we know it today, Buga found a free area and built a financial district (4 blocks X 4 blocks) but as tourist builts wern't protected, it has been destroyed in the following months. It is also in that short period that he founded his urbanism and building company BCA. Its headquarters were one of the main office towers that composed the financial district.

Daliaxy (2002-2003)

Not that far later, he started to discover the galaxy of Newfoundland, owned by Jetta Lewis who also owns America. Since Newfoundland had the conveniance of according free citizenships, Nyxboy immigrated as a NFL citizen in the name of Nyx.

In October 2002, he founded a second city called Daliaxy, also nicknamed Daliaxy CT, where he was later assisted of two of his friends to build with him. The city was notable for its tall structures and its subway network. A big step of improvement was also unmissable compared to his anterior contructions.

Daliaxy's main structures included a museum, a night club, a 2 levels shopping mall, a small airport, a TV studio and few fictive compagnies.

The city lasted for about 10 months and ended when Jetta made a general reset of the galaxy.

Neophyx(America) (2003 to Present)

A few months has passed until Nyx decides to come back to Activeworlds again, this time with an AW citizenship in the name of Nyxboy. In october 2003, Jetta asked his help to build a new american style city in his remodeled world America. Nyx accepted and then founded his third city that he called Neophyx City. Built on the Michigan peninsula, Neophyx as a large terrain space which lead to its big and fast expension this time denser than ever. Thus, coming with some lagging issues that is still one of Neophyx's main problem today.

Sedan (2006 to 2012)

Nyxboy on the Mount Sedan, 2007

On February 15th 2006, Nyxboy alongside with Mariobros, founded their own world and at the same time what would become Mayor's fourth city that they called Sedan. This time with a completely different urbanism plan, spread and mainly composed of separate houses, the city of Sedan was more comparable to Los Angeles and Sydney in a climate we could find in Hawaii or in any similar tropical archipelago from the south pacific.

While working on Sedan, John Mayor also started to make its own objects and textures. The project has been his main focus until the world closure in mid 2012.

Current Positions and involvements

Nyxboy in Neophyx City September 2009

Nyxboy's schedule in Active Worlds is now well kept busy with numerous tasks divided between the world of America where he is in charge of the developement of Neophyx City and the world's freeway network like the Transamerica Freeway and the construction of the new Expressway 101 Project and its own world of Sedan where he's preparing the upcoming opening of this one alongside the developement of the city of Sedan and its many builds that are composing it. He is also the founder and the main responsible of its two compagnies of development BC and JVP and all their ongoing and planned projects.

Nyx's current positions

Nyx's current scheduled and ongoing projects

In America

In Sedan

  • Development and maintenance of Sedan in general
  • Construction of Sedan's road network
  • Construction of the Sedan International Airport
  • Construction of the Central District of Sedan
  • Implantation of a public bus network progressively
  • Implantation of a metro network
  • North Sedan and North Paya District residential project
  • Creation and planning of the national parks


Nyxboy's pseudonym of NYX dates from a way earlier than 2003. He was already using it for multiple other tasks on the web until he finally decided to adopt it in Active Worlds. Though some might believes, it is not an acronym for Neophyx (official abreviation being NPX) but only an unfortunate coincidance as it is easy to misread. The name of Nyxboy is so not Neophyx boy and should be pronounced Nicks,nix (-Boy), or N.Y.X (-Boy).

See Also

Nyxboy's cities

Nyxboy's companies

Nyxboy's other major builds