Ultimate Paintball

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Ultimate Paintball
Paintball bot






First release

Always scan downloaded files before attempting to open

  • 3.x4.04
  • 4.xN/A
  • 5.xN/A

Shoemaker Village

The Ultimate Paintball bot is a paintball bot that was produced by Shoemaker Village. The Ultimate Paintball bot won a Cy Award for Technical Innovation in 2000. It was last updated on August 24, 2003.

This bot was the de-facto choice for paintball within the Active Worlds Universe until the advent of 4.1, when changes in the software required bots to be brought up to date with the new SDK. The bots greatest popularity was found in AWTeen, where the world staff regularly used this bot to host paintball events and games. AWTeen's reputation for paintball events in the early to mid 2000's can be heavily attributed to this bot, which was frequently used due to its simplistic interface and array of features.


  • Ultimate Paintball supports up to 255 worlds simultaneously with synchronized score.
  • Grenades and frenzy powerups are available, with the option to set a certain number of each type of powerup or disable either completely.
  • Users can be teleported or ejected when shot. The administrator can set the teleport location to wherever you choose, or eject users with a 2.2 browser while teleporting 3.0 or greater users.
  • Up to 15 bosses can be specified who can use special commands to control the application in any of the network's worlds.
  • Statistics of kills, deaths, and kill-to-death ratios, can be kept.
  • Team warfare can be enabled, and a variety of team statistics can be kept as well.
  • Create and join teams at will, and leave them when required. Bosses can also disband and moderate teams in response to cheating and vulgar language.
  • Specific times can be set to start and end a match. All players can be notified of these times with a simple command. No administrator intervention is necessary during timed matches.
  • An integrated phone bot enables communication across worlds and universes.
  • Bots on the playing field can be ejected automatically to prevent cheating, and it is possible to eject cheaters or troublemakers from all worlds in one click.
  • A "bad words list" allows administrators to keep chat in worlds clean.
  • Creating and cleaning up skull objects in one or all worlds is a breeze.
  • A list of current players and their scores can be viewed at any time on the console or by whispering "score, " "deaths, " "ratios, " or a variety of other commands to the bots.
  • Saving and loading different team and scoring configurations is a cinch.
  • Health and healing orbs add a new dimension to the game of paintball by requiring players to constantly rethink their strategies under changing conditions.
  • Trans-universal paintball games can be hosted with ease.

External links

User contributed Utilities and Bots

(edit) • (discuss)


Programs which do not use or involve the SDK

Accutrans 3D (url)


Programs which do not use or involve the SDK

AWUtility (url)Alphaworld Enhanced (url)AWTexReggen (url)Ultimate AW User Guide (url)

Single-Purpose Bots

Programs that specializes in one task within Active Worlds

AbMo PhoneBotAdminBot (url)Backup AW (url)Ballbot (url)BirdBot (url)ChatBot (url)ChatGlobal (url)CrowdBot (url)Demeter (url)GateNetwork Bot (url) ($) • GuardBot (url)Hermes (url)Hunt Helper Bot (url)Nestor (url)Seedbot (url)SyntaxBot (url)Ultimate Paintball (url)Vote Bot (url)World Monitor Bot (url)

Multi-Purpose Bots

Programs which do a wide array of tasks within Active Worlds

AWUtility (url)Eclipse Evolution (url)Magsbot (url)Preston (url)Xelagot (url) (3.4) • YASBB (url)

AndrasAWPortalsImaBotIma GeniusMagineMark RandallRoadKillShoemaker VillageXelaGZeus