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Citizen Number 106479
Citizen Since October 6, 1996

Andras (cit#106479) is immigrated to AW on October 6, 1996. At the same time he aquired the world Storage and opened up to the public for building.

Being a lazy builder he started to write several programs to automatize the building and model creations. The first AW related program he wrote was a little dirty tool to generate the road system still visible in Storage.

He has only 2 buildings made back in 1996-1997 (AW 1342N 998W and Colony 13S 9W 0.82a 180) and a few trial in Storage.

During the past 11 years he created several bots, tools, utilities for the community. One of his most successful robot was the Spades Bot which is still in action in the world AWSpades.

Other well known bots/tools he made (for the full list, see: ):

He ported the SDK and the world server to the Linux OS.

He has a professional world hosting service.

He holds several Cy Awards:

Notable Builds

  • - Storage2 1343.1N 1000.6W 293
  • - Mars 30N 30W
  • - Colony 13.1S 8.8W 0.8a


Mauz's Activeworlds Pages

External Links

User contributed Utilities and Bots

(edit) • (discuss)


Programs which do not use or involve the SDK

Accutrans 3D (url)


Programs which do not use or involve the SDK

AWUtility (url)Alphaworld Enhanced (url)AWTexReggen (url)Ultimate AW User Guide (url)

Single-Purpose Bots

Programs that specializes in one task within Active Worlds

AbMo PhoneBotAdminBot (url)Backup AW (url)Ballbot (url)BirdBot (url)ChatBot (url)ChatGlobal (url)CrowdBot (url)Demeter (url)GateNetwork Bot (url) ($) • GuardBot (url)Hermes (url)Hunt Helper Bot (url)Nestor (url)Seedbot (url)SyntaxBot (url)Ultimate Paintball (url)Vote Bot (url)World Monitor Bot (url)

Multi-Purpose Bots

Programs which do a wide array of tasks within Active Worlds

AWUtility (url)Eclipse Evolution (url)Magsbot (url)Preston (url)Xelagot (url) (3.4) • YASBB (url)

AndrasAWPortalsImaBotIma GeniusMagineMark RandallRoadKillShoemaker VillageXelaGZeus