Activeworlds Utility

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Activeworlds Utility
General bot






First release



Always scan downloaded files before attempting to open

  • 3.x1.11 Incompatible with Windows Vista and later
  • 4.xN/A
  • 5.xN/A

Shoemaker Village

Activeworlds Utility was a multi-function bot produced by Shoemaker Village that provided tools that assisted builders and visitors of public building worlds. It was particularly useful for its "seekerbot" feature, which allowed people to search for other users within worlds. Due to software changes brought on by 4.1, the Activeworlds Utility no longer works within the Active Worlds Universe. However, 3.x enabled universes can still use it.


  • Duplicate objects in a line to create long continuous builds such as fences through the AW browser - no bots necessary.
  • Similarly, an area can be covered in a rectangle without the necessity of bots.
  • Objects can be moved hundreds of coordinates quickly as seed objects in worlds that don't allow bots.
  • Search for people in any world that allows bots, and display a list of all avatars present in an entire world, or part of a world that you specify, without any special rights!
  • Once a person or bot is found, it is possible manipulate the AW browser to teleport to an avatar, or to teleport the avatar to anywhere.
  • Eject any user in a world, even if you don't have Caretaker privileges.
  • All users can be teleported to a specific location when found, again regardless of Caretaker rights.
  • Eject all tourists in a world with one click.
  • Determine the IP address of any user again with only one click.
  • Allow any citizen in a world to visit another citizen with a simple whisper command.
  • Search for property in an entire world up to hundreds of times faster than most bots.
  • Use search criteria such as citizen number, model, action, description, timestamp, or search only part of a world (for example, a city in AlphaWorld).
  • Delete objects which constitute vandalism or are unnecessary, based on the search criteria you specify.
  • Keep troublemakers out of your world even if they have a dynamic IP address (for pre-3.3 worlds).

External links

User contributed Utilities and Bots

(edit) • (discuss)


Programs which do not use or involve the SDK

Accutrans 3D (url)


Programs which do not use or involve the SDK

AWUtility (url)Alphaworld Enhanced (url)AWTexReggen (url)Ultimate AW User Guide (url)

Single-Purpose Bots

Programs that specializes in one task within Active Worlds

AbMo PhoneBotAdminBot (url)Backup AW (url)Ballbot (url)BirdBot (url)ChatBot (url)ChatGlobal (url)CrowdBot (url)Demeter (url)GateNetwork Bot (url) ($) • GuardBot (url)Hermes (url)Hunt Helper Bot (url)Nestor (url)Seedbot (url)SyntaxBot (url)Ultimate Paintball (url)Vote Bot (url)World Monitor Bot (url)

Multi-Purpose Bots

Programs which do a wide array of tasks within Active Worlds

AWUtility (url)Eclipse Evolution (url)Magsbot (url)Preston (url)Xelagot (url) (3.4) • YASBB (url)

AndrasAWPortalsImaBotIma GeniusMagineMark RandallRoadKillShoemaker VillageXelaGZeus