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Television stations

The Scarabian Broadcasting Network (SBN) is the official TV station of SW City. It was made in response to frustrations of TV networks seemingly dieing and becoming abandoned right after networks were put in widespread use, or at least was the case prior to its founding.

Unfortunately the station has received little attention to date, and as a result, not much recognition in the larger Active Worlds community. The station continues to be the #1 station within SW City, though.


  • Late Tonight with SW Chris
  • Noughunter
  • Attack of the Xelagots (syndicated)


In order to view this TV station, add the following code to your TV or picture objects:

    create picture update=10
Television stations
SW City
Staff Members Network
Captain MAD MikeEspilaeFerruccioHyper AnthonyJoshuaOniLinkSW Chris
SW ComitSyntaxVornox
Alphaworld Enhanced Birthday BashBuilder's AcademySBNScarabian Republic
SW City InteractiveSWiki
Notable Locations in SW City
AWIA Adventure GameGrimmwood ForestIlexus CavesIrenic OceanHyruleMazenda CavesNimbus LandPalais d' FerruccioPamozo IslandRising Glen RetreatTown Square ParkSharman Caves