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Hi. I'm GSK. I came to Active Worlds in June 2001, starting a city in AWTeen, which still exists to this day. Few people know its location. On April 6, 2002, I became a citizen, through A1CT's Tourist Program, which granted tourists temporary citizenships. Subsequently, I took over payment of the account, and have been a citizen of ActiveWorlds for over eleven years.

Former Community Positions

  • Administrative positions at ETV, CTV, and PTV.
  • TV show distribution for ETV, CTV, PTV, GCTV, and VWTV.
  • Initial Technical Director for the Cy Awards in 2006.
  • Just Ask Me Guides member
  • VWTV Studio Operator (Director).
  • Founder, UGN.
  • Just Ask Me Guides Director
  • AWTeen Caretaker
  • Director of Engineering, Co-Founder, Codename Tropical Orange
  • Administration, AWExpo Group
  • Teen Patrol member
  • AWTeen Events team leader

Current Projects

Former Projects



I've also been contacted by or initiated contact with several citizens or organizations in Activeworlds to complete work for, or collaborate on projects or developments with. They are listed below:

  • Independent Contractor for VR5 Online, LLC. (June 2006 - June 2007)
  • AWShow_B Project Manager for Activeworlds, Inc. (June 2008 - April 2009)
  • AWTeen Caretaker. (June - December 2010)
  • Administration for AWExpo Group. (November 2010 - June 2011)


  • Independent Contractor, VR5 Online LLC. (June 2006 - June 2007)
  • Metaverse Public Liaison, Andromeda Media Group. (May 2008 - March 2011)
  • Independent Contractor, ActiveWorlds Europe. (August 2012 - Present)