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The Peacekeepers is an organization of Volunteer AW Citizens that act as informative helpers and security in Active Worlds worlds. The organization was founded by Razzle. If needed, they can be summoned through their website, .


We are a voluntary group of citizens , who help as we can in the Activeworlds community. We are here to help new and regular users who come to Activeworlds.


We assist Inc.'s personnel, by providing an online presence, for citizens and users to find help and advise. We assist users in disputes and try to prevent harassment of any user by others regardless of the form, be it verbal abuse or harassment , racism or vandalism.
We are here to help, and if you encounter any of the above, and need to discuss any concerns that you have, then please feel free to contact one of our members. We do enjoy Activeworlds and will assist as best we can to ensure that you do too.

The formal moderation responsibilities of the peacekeepers can be summed up through the Content Guidelines and Conduct Guidelines.

Patrolled Worlds

The Peacekeepers are responsible for patrolling the following worlds:

In addition, Peacekeepers can be called into these worlds, if necessary:

Garbage Elimination Team

(Garbage removal, by AWI's request , is a service no longer provided by the Peacekeepers)

The Garbage Elimination Team, or GET, is a special unit of peacekeepers that deal with the removal of garbage in Public Building Worlds. They are very selective about what qualifies as garbage. In addition, the GET team does not reveal their identities, as to avoid unneccessary harrassment to their personal citizen. In order to report sites that need to be cleared, an online form has been provided by the Peacekeepers.

Current Peacekeepers

Present and Former Peacekeepers

Adagio, Adam in Chains, Admiral M Scotty, Alexander o , Allen Iverson, Ambient Spirit, Angels Ice, Ann, Annie H, Ardenn, Aria, armygeddon, Arquebus, Azmodius, Baron, Bassa, Belfalest, Benedict, Bethany, BinaryBud, Birmingham UK, BlackHawk, Blackheart, Brave Hawk, Buckeroo Banzail, Caring, Casey, Casey Xs4Ces, CelinaH, CelticSoul, Cev, Cev, Chrissy, Clara, Class 3, Clee, Clv Barker, CoachDavid, ColdBeer, Comte de Paris, CosmicTruth, Cyberguy, DaLLas Star o, Daphne, Denedes, Digg, Dommionus KM, Donna, doonie, Dormant SouL, Dr Chandra, Dream Lady, Duskbat, Eagle, Einga, Elyk, Emerald Eyes, Energiser, Ezekiel, Ezekiette, Faceache, Facter, Fiddler, Flabberghast, Frosta, Fungus, FuzKat, Fyrene, Garnet, Gempic, GolderUK, Green David, HamFon, HoLySmoke, jadedaemt, James Kirk, jdonley, Jernau, JLt, John T, jonaz, Jynx o, Kara1, Karten, KeithB, Kenny69, Kiazer Sozet, Kimariaus, Kito, KleeWyck, KrystaL Lynn, Lady CaLico, Lady Jude, Lady Pippin, Lady Tazz, LadyDestiny, Lavishh, Leadfoot, Lenningrad Cowboy, Lensman, Leytach, LindaGarrett, Lookin4BN, Lord Frederic, Lord Warrior, Lorri Doll, Lost Angel, Lumi, Lydia, m0e, Magical Tony, MagicK, Mech65, Medic1, Mer de Noms, Midnight Delight, Midntedrm, MIKsam, Mongal, Moz, Muggie, Nitouche, Nobby, Non Reality, Oboe, Ovardian, PAGE, PeLican, phalaphe, Poseidon, PrettyPorcelina, Process, Prophet, Pruel, psychie, QRV, Queen RaMeL o, RaShaL, Razzle, Red Satin o, Rickenbacker, Ride Forever, Rocketchild, Sailorman, sarishia, Satin Moon, Scouser, Seanchan, SeaSiren, Seeker1, Seether, Shattenjager, SirWilliam, Skeeta, SkiRascal, Skyedancer, SkyZack, SleepWalker, Snellius, Snow Dragon, SouL Man, Spawn, spector, Sportster, Strawberry Wine, Subsea, Tallian, Thunder Jack, Thurstan, Timetwister, Tina, Tomas, Tornado Mik, TracyEarthrunner, Tranthum, Trinket, Vanity, Veger o, Webtrekker, Wild Spirit, Windancer, Wizard of Oz, Wolfi, Womack, Wooflock, Yooper, Zark, Zeetes, zer0, ZeRo.

External Links

The Official Peacekeeper Homepage