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Build 1650
Release date

April, 2020


AWI Chris

New features

Welcome to Active Worlds 3D - VIDETIS ET AUDITIS

Version 6.7 updates to a faster network layer, providing higher data throughput. Adding network layer support for IPv6 and Bluetooth, automatic dynamical scalability. Full UHD+ 4k monitor support along with DPI scaling and support for 2k and up to 4k ultra-high-resolution textures.

Build 1684

5 January 2021

  • Fixed an UI issue when the telegram list became invisible under certain circumstances.

Build 1683

12 December 2020

  • Frosty Winter 2021 Edition.

Build 1682

16 November 2020

  • More defined multithread scheduling.

Build 1681

10 November 2020

  • Update to recent feature set of AW core.

Build 1680

19 October 2020

  • Add telegram-pending event notifications and retrieve pending telegrams not before the telegram-tab is active.

Build 1679

7 October 2020

  • Allow triangulated PhysX objects, tree and hull collision types, been scaled dynamically over time (e.g. scale 3 time=8). Dynamic scaling implies to rebuild the Physx object's internal collision model every frame also.
  • Shifted limit for max frame count of animated textures (filmstrips and GIF) from 64 to 100. Texture animations frame dimension remains at 256 by 256px max each. Use with care, memory requirement may be high for a little effect.
  • Fixed an issue with changing a user-selected fixed visibility range, when the desired range was eventually not applied immediately.

Build 1678

29 September 2020

  • Default Mip LOD Bias (texture Level Of Detail by texel-distance) to -0.25 for more crisp appearance.
  • Default AO (Ambient Occlusion) to Medium Intensity.
  • Full 4k texture and image resolution (Full UHD per texture)
    • Texture and image scaling, technical limits:
    • Vintage Software Render up to 256x256 pixels
    • Retro OpenGL render and MacOS, Linux up to 512x512 pixels
      • (some features may enable 4k, depending on detailed HW specifications)
    • Windows D3D render
      • by Dedicated Graphic Memory:
        • less than 500MB - up to 512x512 pixels
        • 500MB to 1GB - up to 1024x1024 pixels
        • more than 1GB - up to 4096x4096 pixels
      • by available System Memory:
        • less than 1GB - up to 256x256 pixels
        • 1GB to 2GB, or 32-bit OS w/ PAE - up to 512x512 pixels
        • more than 2GB - up to 4096x4096 pixels

Build 1677

22 September 2020

  • VLC's lua script update, to get YouTube work again - needs updates every so often whenever Google sees need to change their policies. You can get this script update any time in advance to the official patch by running Upgrade.exe.

Build 1676

18 September 2020

  • Change message from "Waiting for server" and "Not connected" to "Waiting for world".
  • Skip presenting the render frame following right after switching postprocess shaders.
  • Set direct internet connection as default.
  • Clean up cached presentations at shutdown.

Build 1672-1675

4-10 September 2020

  • UI: programmatical system DPI awareness for (i.e. 4k monitors):
    • Voice Chat
    • Presentation Tools
    • Console Window / chat text output
    • Docking window caption titles
    • Default width of contacts and telegrams
    • Window size of World Features and Configure Controls
    • Title-text-length for property boxes
    • Icon scaling
    • Label and text height adjustments
    • Adjust sizes of various controls and HUD

Thanks to Gremot for looking through it all.

Build 1671

3 September 2020

  • Removed GrabFrame. Use OBS-Studio instead.
  • Status bar: don't indicate 'Not Connected' during closing the current scene/world while teleporting to another world (technically correct, but it's confusing users).
  • Crisp fonts with DPI scaling.
  • Correct screen capture with DPI scaling.

Build 1670

24 August 2020

  • Added max visibility to world features.

Build 1669

14 August 2020

  • Updating to current AW core.
  • Continue render video components in background, even if 'Mute all audio when in background' is selected.
  • Ensure Anti-Alias render filter is applied, even if viewport-urls are drawn before the renderer becomes ready.

Build 1668

3 August 2020

  • Updating/replacing methods used by the Activeworlds 3D Browser with platform-portable components from another project.

Build 1667

19 July 2020

  • Maintenance update on voice chat.
  • Ensure everyone got the recent aworldWeb module, fixing a potential crash issue with the recent version of CEF.
  • Redesign About screen, now showing the universe name.
  • Removed Classic Bars, the old Office-style menu and toolbar finally.

Build 1666

30 June 2020

  • Workarounds for Wine on Mac OS-X, when it failed with the recent version of Chromium initializing.

Build 1665

10 June 2020

  • Update recent compiler version VS 16.6.2.
  • Update recent AW Core framework backend.
  • Update Web to CEF 83.3.12 / Chromium 83.0.4103.97.

Build 1664

5 June 2020

  • Added world feature option to hide balloons.

Build 1661-1663

31 May 2020

  • Update Youtube lua-script for VLC / media to most recent, since Google/Youtube changed their end once again. (... that's also why we do no longer use Google Web-APIs in the forums, since they change them too frequently, which were Google Calendar and Google Map in the past).
  • Misc adjustments to fast network layers.

Build 1660

25 May 2020

  • Update to CEF to 81.3.10 / Chromium 81.0.4044.138.
  • Automatically add Users tab when user list is enabled.

Build 1659

6 May 2020

  • Update to recent VLC 3.0.10 for the embedded media player.
  • Fixed an issue when audio playback was truncated at the end eventually.

Build 1657-1658

4 May 2020

  • Improved Voice experience for participants on high latency connections.
  • Improved / reduced resource and buffer usage network layers for server and clients.

Build 1656

27 April 2020

  • Improved Presentation Tools, fixing glitches and taking advantage of the new network layer's speed and throughput.
  • Updated embedded web / CEF to 81.2.24 - Chromium 81.0.4044.113.
  • Servers: further improved backward compatibility layer, improved network throughput, decreased CPU load, increased speed for world property queries, as well as response speed of all servers.

Build 1655

23 April 2020

  • Fixed an issue when scaling shader ocean grid dimension to a smaller grid size in world features.

Build 1654

22 April 2020

  • Improved network throughput and response times on server and client sides.
  • Dynamic scaling of TCP-window sizes, receive and decompression buffers (servers + clients).
  • Fixed an issue with the network layer eventually failing on heavy load with asynchronous recv/send operations.
  • Fixes with presentation tools.

Build 1653

19 April 2020

  • Small fix to compression level and decompression ratio.

Build 1652

18 April 2020

  • All servers, utility, tools and the SDK are 64 bit only and platform portable.
  • Backward compatibility and minor fixes and adjustments to core modules.

Build 1650-1651

4-12 April 2020 beta

  • Updating Web/CEF/Chromium to build 4044.
  • Fixing CEF, eventually leaving a zombie process running after shutdown.
  • All servers, utility, tools and the SDK are 64 bit only and platform portable.
  • Removing click-through from image and video 3D overlays.
  • Replacing the network modules by a faster, more reliable and dynamically scalable network layer.