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Build 1600
Release date

July, 2019



New features

Welcome to Active Worlds 3D - Labor Omnia Vincit

Version 6.6 updates to recent development environment VS 2019, Windows 10 PDK 18362, compliant to Windows 10 build 1903. Supported are Windows 7 and later platforms. World hosting for the public universe by defined community hosts, dropped world server hosting on home PCs.

Build 1632

6 April 2020

  • Release of recent chances.
  • Prepare to upgrade to version 6.7.

Build 1630-1631

2-4 April 2020 beta

  • When speakers are used for voice chat, the microphone volume is reduced while other talk, to reduce that other participants get echoed by the participant's speakers through his microphone.
  • When speakers are used for voice chat, your speakers' volume is reduced while you talk.
  • Both together have another positive side affect that over-voicing other is supressed also.
  • Audio that comes through Web/CEF can now be muted while talking on voice chat.

Build 1629

2 April 2020

  • Controls (transparency, min/max, close) of overlay images and videos now appear at top/right of the overlay rectangle, instead of at the bottom/right of the overlay.

Build 1628

29 March 2020 beta
30 March 2020 release

  • Update to recent CEF 80.1.2 / Chromium 80.0.3987.149.
  • CEF 80.1.2 adds Chromcast, fixes issues with OSR and the sandbox.

Build 1627

26 March 2020

  • Fixed an issues on relaying voice chat server, when it happend under certain circumstances, that P2P talks also received talks from the group.
  • Added an Echo | Self-Test to voice chat. Right click the Echo in the users-view and Request Private Talk to check your connection quality and your own audio devices, microphone / headset /speakers.

Build 1626

22 March 2020

  • Voice Chat server can operate in relay mode, non-mixing, what helps to reduce delay to less than 120 ms to a maximum of 600 ms.
  • Mute on Site is now also applied to voice chat participants.
  • Blocked contacts are considered for muting as well.
Voice Chat is available for all private worlds.

Build 1624-1625

6 - 16 March 2020

  • Voice chat uses faster UDP internet protocol, and all voice is encrypted.
Currently only available in AWWelcome and SFGate worlds for public testing.

Build 1620-1623

28 February to 6 March 2020 public beta

  • Added a Microsoft's Capture DSP with AEC, AGC and NS enabled - thus adjusting all around the Microphone input automatically for you.
  • AEC - Automatic Echo Cancellation. Removes echo of your own voice, if audible through speakers.
  • NS - Noise Suppression. Reduces background noises and noises that coming out of your speakers.
  • AGC - Automatic Gain Control. Adjusts volume and loudness of your microphone signal automatically.
Currently only available in AWWelcome and SFGate worlds for public testing.

Build 1619

23 February to 6 March 2020

  • Added a Denoiser for voice chat. Currently only available in AWWelcome world for public testing.

Build 1618

22 February 2020

  • Replace VOIP codec by Opus (opus-codec.org), an Open Source advanced SILK codec (SILK originates from Skype). Currently only available in AWWelcome world for public testing.
  • Updates to CEF 79.1.36 and Chromium to 79.0.3945.130 for Web.
  • VLC scripts for accessing YouTube urls, due to YouTube's web chances, for the embedded media player.
  • Added text 'Cloth' selection option to various international message files.

Build 1617

4 February 2020 beta

  • Replace VOIP codec by Opus (opus-codec.org), an Open Source advanced SILK codec (SILK originates from Skype).
  • Updates to CEF 79.1.36 and Chromium to 79.0.3945.130 for Web.
  • Various minor changes, see build 1618.

Build 1616

31 January 2020

  • Update client components to recent VS 2019 16.4.4.
  • When CEF/Web was enabled, Wine on MacOSX and Linux eventually ran out of concurrent file allocators, due to the emulator's default max open files are set lower than on Windows.
  • Enable touch-events for CEF/Web by default.

Build 1615

24 January 2020

  • Update client components to recent VS 2019 16.4.3 and StdLibC++ 17.
  • Update VLC to recent version 3.0.9, adapting to access YouTube media due to their web script changes according to recent YouTube policies.
  • Recent updates of CEF 79.1.31 and Chromium to 79.0.3945.117 for Web, which improves loading speed and a glitch with WebGL, mouse and keyboard routing.
  • Default Web/CEF to use hardware accelerated render whenever possible.

Build 1613-1614

12 December 2019 beta
29 December 2019 release

  • Smoother appearance of autolook for neighbour avatars.
  • Maintenance Update to most recent Visual Studio compilers.
  • Software Copyright updated to the year 2020.

Build 1612

4 December 2019

  • Added a loop option to the avseq command, to play animations continuously. Note, sequence number given must be the same kind of animation for all avatars available in world.
  • Override/disable an avatar's autolook feature while warping or teleporting inworld.

Build 1607-1611

21-30 November 2019 beta
2 December 2019

  • Added a pivot option to the rotate command, applied as model's world-position-offset .
  • Fixed an issue when selecting a rotating hierarchical object, when the local rotation was not reset to the initial rotation.
  • Fixed when continuous avatar animations were not played in a loop for other than the own avatar.
  • Fixed an issue when CEF eventually sent Windows Messages after the main application window has been destroyed on a regular application-exit.
  • Various fixes from CEF 78.3.4 and Google Chromium 78.0.3904.108.

Build 1606

12 November 2019 beta
14 November 2019

  • Recent updates of CEF 78.3.1 and Chromium to 78.0.3904.87 for Web, which improves loading speed and a glitch with WebGL.
  • Recompile client software and all render modules with the latest VS 2019 16.3.9.

Build 1605

21 October 2019

  • Recent updates of CEF 77.1.14 and Chromium to 77.0.3865.120 for Web.

Build 1604

13 September 2019

  • Fixed a crashing issue with Software and OpenGL when checking for available shaders.
  • Fixed a possible crashing issue with CEF/Web when exiting the application.
  • Recent updates of CEF 77.0.1 and Chromium to 77.0.3865.56 for Web.
  • Reduced size of V4 Cam cone in build mode to 1.5 meters instead of 10 meters.

Build 1603

29 August 2019

  • Recent updates of CEF 76.1.11 and Chromium to 76.0.3809.132 for Web.
  • Recent updates of VLC 3.0.8 for Media.

Build 1602

6 August 2019

  • Recent updates of CEF 76.1.7 and Chromium to 76.0.3809.87 for Web.
  • CEF: reduced memory load in main process.
  • CEF: enabled network services sub process.
  • CEF: consolidated SSL/TSL 1.3.

Build 1601

28 July 2019

  • Recent updates of CEF 74.1.14 and Chromium to 74.0.3770.100.
  • Remove local Flash PPAPI for Chromium, if it still exists from older installations.
  • Fixed an issue on changing screen orientation on Windows 10 Tablet devices.

Build 1600

20 July 2019

  • Update CEF to 74.1.14 and Chromium to 74.0.3770.100.
  • Update VLC to version