Moving Around

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Beginner Keyboard Commands

After arriving in-world, you’ll want to begin exploring the world. This is done by using your keyboard. The following common movement controls are set as the default keys:

  • Up Arrow: Walk forward
  • Down Arrow: Walk backward
  • Left Arrow: Turn Left
  • Right Arrow: Turn Right
  • Plus (+) symbol: Fly up
  • Minus (-) symbol: Fly down
  • Swimming begins automatically when you enter the water.
  • Left mouse click: Activates an object. Objects can be activated when the mouse cursor turns to a hand.
  • TAB: Quickly switch from the 3D view window to the chat box.

In addition to the basic movement keys, other keys will help you look around. These include:

  • Page Up (PGUP): Look Up
  • Page Down (PGDN): Look Down
  • END key: Cycles through the various views, including first-person, chase (locked), chase, and front view. The chase views are the same thing as third person views.
  • HOME key: Resets your view to first-person.
  • * Key: Zooms in on your avatar.
  • / Key: Zooms out on your avatar.

Intermediate Keyboard Commands

After learning the basic commands, there are a few key combinations that are commonly used throughout the software. These include:

  • Shift + Up/Down: Using the Shift key while moving allows you to pass through objects. This is helpful if you get stuck inside of a model.
  • Shift + Left/Right: Using the Shift key while pressing left or right will allow you to move sideways, or sidestep.
  • Control (CTRL) + Up/Down: Using the Control key allows you to run at a faster pace.

Advanced Movements

  • Jumping: Although this is considered a basic movement, it is not pre-defined as such. To enable jumping, you must set a button in the Configure Controls box to use for jump. Typically, users set this to either the space bar or the 0/Ins key on the keypad. To jump, press this button. To jump higher, run forward while pressing this button. Many games in the Active Worlds universe use the jump button.
  • Autowalk: The autowalk keys must be defined in the Configure Controls box as mentioned above. Autowalk enables your avatar to move without having to hold down the forward or backward keys. There are two keys that have to be defined:
  • The Autowalk Key: This key begins automatic movement. To use this, hold down the up key and press the Autowalk key at the same time.
  • The Stop Key: This key stops the automatic movement.

Configuring the Controls

With most things in Active Worlds, the keyboard controls can be modified. To modify the keyboard controls, select Options in the menu bar, and then select Configure Controls.

Many gamers are used to using WASD type controls. These are also referred to as “Laptop” controls. To enable WASD, select the option “Reset to Laptop/Gaming defaults”.

The Keyboard Controls box allows you to change your keyboard layout. The first column defines the actions that can are possible. The second column is the first set of keys, and the third column is the second set of keys. To change your keyboard options, click on the button beside the actions you want to change. The buttons can also be mapped to a mouse, joystick, or game controller buttons.


Mouse movement: Many gamers are used to using the mouse to move around. This can easily be done within Active Worlds. To use the mouse to move around, first select your view by pressing the END key multiple times. Mouse movement is best used in the Chase, or Third Person view. Once you have your view selected, press and release the middle mouse button, or scroll wheel. You will see a white dot in the center of your screen. This is the focal point for the movement. With this, you can then use your mouse to look around while using the arrow keys (or WASD keys) to move around.

  • Mouse Movement, Autowalk, and Running: To activate this key sequence is a little more complicated than simply walking forward. The steps involved are as follows:
    • To walk normally: Switch your view to what is desired by pressing the END key on your keyboard, then, press the middle mouse button (scroll wheel) to enable mouse movement, then, press the Up arrow key to begin moving forward, then, while holding down the Up arrow key, press the Autowalk key that you defined to begin autowalk.
    • To run: Switch your view to what is desired by pressing the END key on your keyboard, then, press the middle mouse button (scroll wheel) to enable mouse movement, then, hold down the Control Key while pressing the Up arrow key to begin moving forward, then, while holding down the Up arrow key, press the Autowalk key that you defined to begin autowalk.