Menu Bar

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Most common functions within Active Worlds can be found on the menu bar. The menu bar consists of several sections:

  • File Menu
    • Exit: Exits the Active Worlds Universe
    • Start with Windows: Runs Active Worlds when Windows Starts
    • Minimize to Tray: Shrinks the Active Worlds browser to the tray. Active Worlds will continue running in the background and, if enabled, you will continue to receive notifications from the browser.
  • Teleport (For detailed information, see )
    • Forward: This works like the Forward button in a typical web browser. Forward takes you forward through the history of places you have visited in Active Worlds.
    • Back: This works like the Back button in a typical web browser. Back takes you backward through the history of places you have visited in Active Worlds.
    • To…: This brings up the Teleport dialog box which lets you enter a specific location to teleport to.
    • Home: This takes you immediately to your "home" location.
    • Make This My Home: This saves your current location as your "home". Your home is where you start out when you first enter Active Worlds.
    • Remember: This allows you to “bookmark”, or save your current location as a teleport on the Teleport Tab.
  • View
    • Look Up: tilts your view upwards in increments of 5 degrees. The Page Up key on the numeric keypad is a keyboard shortcut for Look Up.
    • Look Down: tilts your view downwards in increments of 5 degrees. The Page Down key on the numeric keypad is a keyboard shortcut for Look Down.
    • Look Level: returns your view to the level position immediately.
    • First Person: returns your view to straight ahead if you have selected Third Person. The Home key on the numeric keypad is a keyboard shortcut for First Person.
    • Third Person: changes the view to look at your own avatar from behind. Selecting this option repeatedly will change the distance between you and the camera. The End key on the numeric keypad is a keyboard shortcut for Third Person.
  • Options
    • Settings…: brings up the Settings dialog where you can adjust a wide variety of settings for your Active Worlds browser.
    • Citizen…: brings up the Citizen Attributes dialog where you can change various aspects of your Active Worlds citizen account. This option may not be available in some universes.
    • Configure Controls…: Opens the Keyboard Controls dialog where you can customize most of your keyboard and mouse controls.
    • World Options: Provides submenus where users can edit the options and features of their world. For more information on World Options, visit the ActiveWiki section on World Options.
      • Features
      • Rights
      • Ejections
    • Universe Options…: This is only available to Universe Owners. Provides submenus where users can edit the options and features of the Universe. For more information on Universe Options, visit the ActiveWiki section on Universe Options.
      • Universe Options
      • Citizens
      • Worlds
      • Ejections
  • Show
    • Toolbar: Shows/Hides the toolbar
    • Downloads: Shows/Hides the Downloads Window
    • Chat: Shows/Hides the Chat Window
    • Gestures: Shows/Hides Gestures
    • Status: Shows/Hides the Statusbar
    • Credit Information: Shows/Hides Credit Information
    • Web: Shows/Hides the Web Window
    • Whisper: Shows/Hides the Whisper Box
    • Tabs: Shows/Hides the Tabs Window
    • Cell Grid: Shows/Hides Cell Grids; first view shows the cell grid at 0 altitude, second view shows the cell grid following the terrain
    • Position: Shows/Hides your current coordinates
    • Toolbar2: Shows/Hides the second optional toolbar
    • Classic Bars: Switches to XP Style Toolbars
    • Window Docking: Enables/Disables Window Docking
    • Menu Effects: Enables/Disables Menu Effects
  • Login
    • Login: Brings up the Login Dialog where you can log in to Active Worlds as a different citizen.
    • Privileges: Brings up the Acquire Privileges Dialog where you can enable or disable privilege acquisition.
  • Avatar
    • Shows the Avatar Menu, including the custom avatar option
  • Visibility
    • Shows the Visibility Menu:
      • The default Visibility setting is Float. The visibility always reverts to float each time you enter a new world. Float means that the browser attempts to balance the current visible range with the desired frame rate you have set in the Performance Settings. When the visibility is set to float, the visibility will be farther in sparsely built worlds and closer in densely built worlds.
      • For users with slower internet connections or older computers, set the visibility to 30 meters for fastest rendering.
      • When a particular visible range is chosen from this menu, the browser will "lock" the current visible range at that distance, regardless of the current frame rate. Note that choosing high visible ranges in densely built worlds may result in poor performance.
      • Note that distances in this menu that are less than the current world's minimum visibility will be disabled.
  • Tools (For information on preparing and using Slide Shows, visit the ActiveWiki”
    • Prepare Slide
    • Slideshow
  • Help (Provides information about the software)