Guide:INI Enhancements

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INI Enhancements are additions you can make to the aworld.ini file in the Active Worlds program folder to expand the functionality of certain features of the browser. To add these enhancements to the browser, copy the text and paste it under the appropriate subsection in the .ini file. If the subsection text does not exist in your .ini file, copy it and paste it into the end of the file.

Geometric Settings

Subsection: [Geometry]

Text: ambient_mul=1.0

Description: These settings show the default values.

The *_mul values are a multiplier to the settings read from the geometry file, independent of its format. The values' range is from 0.1 to 3.0.

The *_min values are the lower limits for the settings read from the geometry file, independent of its format. The values' range is from 0.0 to 1.0.

The values for bump_coef can be used as a multiplier for the intensity of bumpmaps defined within RWX scripts (Texture <tname> bump <bname>). The values' range is from 0.1 to 10.0.

A useful setting for increasing texture contrast and reactivity to light is:

Cull Mode

Subsection: [Performance]

Text: cull_mode=#

Description: Cull mode allows one to choose how the browser culls back faces. Replace the # with the appropriate number.

cull_mode=1: Do not cull back faces.
cull_mode=2: Browser and RenderWare default. Culls faces with clockwise vertices.
cull_mode=3: Culls faces with counterclockwise vertices.

Fill Mode

Subsection: [Performance]

Text: fill_mode=#

Description: Fill mode allows one to choose between render states. Replace the # with the appropriate number.

fill_mode=1: Point Cloud, rendering vertices only.
fill_mode=2: Wireframe, rendering connecting lines between verticies.
fill_mode=3: Browser Default, the normal view. It's the same as setting it to 0 or leaving it undefined.

Object Selection Increase

Subsection: [Special]

Text: max_pick_count=1024

Description: This value overrides the number of objects a user can select at once. The default browser setting is 128. The maximum amount of objects this override allows is 1024.

Visibility Fixed Range Limit

Subsection: [Visible]

Text: range_limit_fixed=#

Description: This limit will append ranges in 10 meter steps to the Visibility Menu, up to the range limit you choose. Note that the browser will only render objects beyond 200 meters if they have already been downloaded and cached. Possible values are in increments of 10 between 200 and 500. Replace the # with the appropriate number.

Warning! To take advantage of this feature, you need a strong computer, a good graphics card and a lot of dedicated video memory. With today's common use of textures and pictures, the hardware hits the limits easier than some years ago.

Visibility Floating Range Limit

Subsection: [Visible]

Text: range_limit_float=#

Description: This limit for the floating visible range is used when 'Float' has been selected from the Visibility Menu. Note that the browser will only render objects beyond 200 meters if they have already been downloaded and cached. Possible values are in increments of 10 between 200 and 500. Replace the # with the appropriate number.

Warning! To take advantage of this feature, you need a strong computer, a good graphics card and a lot of dedicated video memory. With today's common use of textures and pictures, the hardware hits the limits easier than some years ago.