AWTeen History Archive

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AWTeen History Archive
Historical media



May 3, 2007



The AWTeen History Archive is a collection of media related to the world AWTeen, collected beginning in 1999. Currently, the archive includes 229 webpages, chat logs, images, and other documents. The archive was created by Brant and was announced to the Activeworlds community in a press release on May 3, 2007.

History of the Archive

Brant had been following AWTeen forum posts in 2006 and early 2007 when he noticed that many posters were referring to inaccurate or incorrect information about AWTeen's past. In other cases, posters suggested ideas which had failed before without any knowledge of how second failures could be avoided. The archive was created to provide information in the hope that future leaders could avoid the mistakes of the past.

Brant accessed files from the time when he was Caretaker of AWTeen and uploaded them to a website. Writing captions and properly describing the documents required about one month of effort before the archive was released to the public.

Its contents

The archive contains 28 distinct categories of items, ranging from a collection of bots and source code to information relating to Generations Day. Some of the most significant contributions to the archive include:

All of the information is free to download.

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