June 2012 House of Lords voting results

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Voting results from House of Lords proceedings on 24 June 2012.

Membership List

Members present:

Members absent:

Voting summary

Government bills

Bill title Author Description Ayes (Names) Nays (Names) Abstains (Names) Notes
Annual Army Act bill The Marquess of Arcadia To authorize existence of Palmshire Army for a year. 3 (Nibbles, Legion, and Bach Zhaa) 1 (GC) 0 Bill passed by 3-1-0.
Award Jen the Most Helpful Mexican Act bill Jennifer de la Cueva To designate Jennifer de la Cueva the "The Most Helpful Mexican". 4 (Nibbles, Legion, Bach Zhaa, and GC) 0 0 Bill passed by 4-0-0.
Jennifer's Age Act bill Jennifer de la Cueva To establish that Jennifer is NOT 12 until she turns 16. 0 0 0 Bill died at first reading (Motion to bring the bill to the vote did not received a second).
Official Mexican of Palmshire Act bill Jennifer de la Cueva To designate Jennifer de la Cueva the official Mexican of Palmshire 4 (Nibbles, Legion, Bach Zhaa, and GC) 0 0 Bill passed by 4-0-0.
Parliament Act bill Jennifer de la Cueva and Baroness Rochester To mandate Parliamentary term to not exceed more than 3 month. 4 (Nibbles, Legion, Bach Zhaa, and GC) 0 0 Bill passed by 4-0-0.

Opposition bills

Bill title Author Description Ayes (Names) Nays (Names) Abstains (Names) Notes
Marijuana Legalization Act bill The Duke of Cypress Hollow To legalize marijuana in the Kingdom of Palmshire and its territories. 3 (GC, Legion, and Bach Zhaa) 1 (Nibbles) 0 Bill passed by 3-1-0.
Official Lion of Palmshire Act bill Ally Youngblood To designate Ally Youngblood the official Lion of Palmshire 4 (Nibbles, Legion, Bach Zhaa, and GC) 0 0 Bill passed by 4-0-0.
Official Leopard Cat of Palmshire Act bill Chris D To designate Chris D and Cat bot the official Leopard Cat of Palmshire 0 0 0 Bill died at first reading (Motion to bring the bill to the vote did not received a second).
Peerages Act bill The Duke of Rockford To allow for peers to disclaim their peerages in order to sit on the House of Commons. 2 (Nibbles and Legion) 0 2 (GC and Bach Zhaa) Bill passed by 2-0-2.
House of Lords Act bill The Duke of Rockford To fix the number of seats in the House of Lords to twelve. This limit may not be changed except by an Act of Parliament. 3 (Nibbles, Bach Zhaa, and Legion) 0 1 (GC) Bill passed by 3-0-1.
Parliament Salary Act bill The Duke of Rockford To fix the salary of Members and Lords of Parliament to amount of Twenty Five Thousand Dollars. 4 (Nibbles, Legion, Bach Zhaa, and GC) 0 0 Bill passed by 4-0-0.
Government Salary Act bill The Duke of Rockford To fix the salary for Governor at amount of Thirty Thousand Dollars and for Cabinet ministers to amount of Twenty-Seven Thousand Dollars. 0 0 0 Bill died at first reading (Motion to bring the bill to the vote did not received a second).
House of Lords Insurance Act bill The Duke of Cypress Hollow To provide insurance at no cost for Lords of Parliament. 4 (Nibbles, Legion, Bach Zhaa, and GC) 1 (Brock) 0 Bill passed by 4-1-0.
Government Buildings Act bill The Duke of Cypress Hollow To provide that every government buildings have a fully stocked bar. 4 (Brock, Legion, Bach Zhaa, and GC) 0 1 (Nibbles) Bill passed by 4-0-1.


Government motions

Opposition motions
