User:Curtis/AWTeen Ticket Hunt
This is about an up-coming awteen event, so don't ask me about it.
20 Golden tickets will be manually hidden around the main GZ area, and surrounding areas. (Area would be about a p50 range) Four of these tickets are winners, and will get you a prize. The others are false duds. The tickets contain a password and instructions.
Suggested Prizes
- 1 Month Citizenship / extension.
- 1 Month Citizenship / extension.
- 1 Month Citizenship / extension.
- 1 Month Citizenship / extension.
- create name ticket, texture goldcurt; activate say "You have found a dud, Sorry :o(. Try looking elsewhere! :o)"
- create name ticket, texture goldcurt; activate say "You have found a true golden ticket! Your password is {$pass}. Please telegram citizen C u r T i s with this password, and the coords where you found the ticket.)
If you are a tourist, please email {$email}"
The password is the key to letting me know you truely won, so don't share it or forget it.
When the competition is over, its time to clean up the objects. YASBBS "delete" feature comes in handy for this, as it can delete objects in a "survey" with the given name. anything named "ticket" would be cleared after the competition. Amazing, isn't it?
Extra Prizes?
If there are any extra prizes when the competition ends, a general lottery will be ran for a week. Anyone may enter. Tourists must provide an email for verification.