Version 8.1 added D3D11, D3D12, Metal and Vulkan render hardware support.
This implied additional programmable shaders and 3D asset file formats.
New features include additional 3D formats and modern shader-only render, to be made available during the v8 cycle.
AW::Browser 1818
2021 December 28th
- Initial Release
- Replaced Microsoft's WinInet API
AW::Browser 1819
2021 December 29th
- Fixed an issue your own CAV eventually not showing, when initially entering a world.
AW::Browser 1820
2022 January 5th
- Copyright to 2022.
- Cleanup unused animation sequences during runtime.
- More concurrent and faster http(s) downloads from OP.
- Accordingly, more concurrent assets-items loaded.
- Unlock up to 1000fps.
AW::Browser 1821
2022 January 15th
- Keep the 3 last animation sequences in memory for each avatar.
- Ensure render to texture to none-multisampling surface.
AW::Browser 1822
2022 January 17th
- Replace Microsoft's DirectSound for sound and noise action commands.
AW::Browser 1823
2022 January 21th
- Reduce count of threads spawned by sound and noise playback.
- Play audio of media by the audio module built-in the VLC SDK.
- Upsample all audio to at least 48000 / second, 2 channels, 16 bit.
AW::Browser 1824
2022 January 25th
- Reimplement traditional software shadows for static models.
AW::Browser 1825
2022 February 2nd
- Run longer sound and noise audio in a separate engine.
- Gracefully close the application, even if user cancels the shutdown process (not when killed).
- Use common HOR+ FOV instead of previous VER- FOV.
AW::Browser 1826
2022 February XXth
- Removed obsolete "Render balloons on top" in chat settings.
- Adjust HUD text render on D3D9, requiring accurate half-texel offset.