Parliament Salary Act

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Parliament of the Kingdom of Palmshire
Long title An Act to establish salary of P100 for all members of the Parliament, in both Houses of Commons and Lords
Regnal number 1 Leg 1
Introduced by The Duke of Rockford
Royal Assent 23 July 2011
Repealed 18 July 2012
Status: Repealed
Parliament of the Kingdom of Palmshire
Long title An Act to amend the Parliament Salary Act to raise the current salary for the members of Parliament by amount of five-hundred Palmshire dollars
Regnal number 1 Leg 1
Introduced by The Duchess of Rochester
Royal Assent 13 August 2011
Repealed 18 July 2012
Status: Repealed
Parliament of the Kingdom of Palmshire
Long title An Act to fix the salary for Members and Lords of Parliament to amount of Twenty Five Thousand Dollar.
Regnal number 2 Leg 1
Introduced by The Duke of Rockford
Royal Assent 18 July 2012
Status: Active

The Parliament Salary Act were a series of Acts passed by Parliament of Palmshire to set salary for Members of Parliament or MPs and Lords of Parliament. First act were passed to set salary for members of Parliament for first time in 2011, in House of Lords on 15 July and House of Commons on 22 July. This Act set original salary at P100. It was later amended to raise the salary by P500 through another Act passed in same year, in House of Commons on 15 July, the same day as original version, and House of Lords on 12 August. Those Acts were superseded in 2012 by an Act to raise salary to P25,000, passed in House of Lords on 24 June and House of Commons on 17 July.

See also