July 2012 House of Lords voting results

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Voting results from House of Lords proceedings on 28 July 2012.

Membership List

Members present:

Members absent:

Voting summary

Government bills

Bill title Author Description Ayes (Names) Nays (Names) Abstains (Names) Notes
Ma Bitch Act bill Jennifer de la Cueva To make Legion the bitch of Jennifer de la Cueva. 2 (Brock and Bach Zhaa) 1 (Legion) 0 Bill passed by 2-1-0.
Sharp Act bill Bluelaser Yocum To provide for the parliamentary committee to be appointed by the Speaker of the House of Commons to decide on legal ownership of Sharp world. 0 1 (Bach Zhaa) 2 (Legion and Brock) Bill failed to pass by 0-1-2
Memorial Day Act Lord Tokeington To designate 21 May every year as Memorial Day for Kelsey's GSK. 5 (Brock, Bach Zhaa, Kitty Kat Kelsey, Arnold NYC, and Legion) 0 0 Bill passed by 5-0-0.

Opposition bills

Bill title Author Description Ayes (Names) Nays (Names) Abstains (Names) Notes
House of Lords Insurance Act bill The Duke of Cypress Hollow To provide insurance at no cost for Lords and Members of Parliament as well for the general public. (amended by an amendment proposed by Chris D passed at Commons) 4 (Legion, Brock, Arnold NYC, and Bach Zhaa) 0 1 (GC) Bill passed by 4-0-1.
Customs Act bill The Duchess of Rochester To provide for establishment of His Majesty's Customs and Excise to be under supervision of Home Office. The said agency shall have powers to levy excise taxes, to inspect any goods imported into the Kingdom of Palmshire, and to patrol borders 3 (Bach Zhaa, Brock, and Legion) 0 1 (GC) Bill passed by 3-0-1.
Border Patrol Act bill The Duchess of Rochester To provide for Border Patrol agency under supervision of His Majesty's Customs and Excise, with one team to be led by the Duchess of Rochester. The Parliament shall authorize equipment for the said agency and to empower it to determine person's legal status in Palmshire, to detain any people deemed illegal within the kingdom. 0 0 0 Bill died at first reading (Motion to bring the bill to the vote did not received a second).
Local Government Act bill The Duke of Rockford To provide classification for municipalities in Palmshire. Village with up to 4 people, town with more than 4 to 10 people, city with more than 10 people. Towns or villages may petition to the Crown for change in their status to city or town respectively. 4 (Brock, Bach Zhaa, Legion, and Arnold NYC) 0 1 (GC) Bill passed by 4-0-1.
Gun Control Act bill The Earl of Huntington To ban illegal weapons including assault rifles and such and to restrict their use to the military and police agencies. 3 (Arnold NYC, Brock, and Bach Zhaa) 0 2 (Legion and GC) Bill passed by 3-0-2


Government motions

Motion title Author Description Ayes (Names) Nays (Names) Abstains (Names) Notes
Censure Motion Against Lord Cypress Lord Tokeington To call for the Duke of Cypress Hollow to be ejected out of a cannon into a snake pit for bringing motion of no confidence against the present Administration. 0 0 0 Motion was withdrawn by its author.
Procedural Motion on Seconding Own Motion Lord Tokeington To prohibit a Lord of Parliament from seconding their own motion they have made. 2 (Brock and Arnold NYC) 0 2 (Legion and Bach Zhaa) Motion passed by 2-0-2.
Motion to Kick GC in the Nuts Lord Tokeington To implore that citizens of Palmshire shall kick the Duke of Cypress Hollow in the nuts at any and all sightings. 1 (Brock) 1 (Bach Zhaa) 2 (Legion and Arnold NYC) Motion passed by 1-1-2. Tie-breaking vote was cast by Lord Tokeington in his capacity as Lord President of the Council.

Opposition motions

Motion title Author Description Ayes (Names) Nays (Names) Abstains (Names) Notes
Motion of no confidence The Duke of Cypress Hollow To declare that the House of Lords has no confidence in the present Administration. 1 (GC) 3 (Brock, Arnold NYC, and Bach Zhaa) 1 (Legion) Motion failed to pass by 1-3-1.
Procedural Motion on Tie-breaking Vote The Duke of Rockford To provide that whenever ties occurs on a bill introduced by the Lord President of the Council, Lord Speaker shall casts the tie-breaking vote instead to avoid conflict of interest. Lord President may still casts tie-breaking vote on the bills not introduced by him/her. 4 (Brock, Arnold NYC, Bach Zhaa, and Legion) 0 0 Motion passed by 4-0-0.

Next meeting date

The House of Lords agreed to meet again on August 26 at 9:17PM VRT
