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Revision as of 07:34, 18 April 2010 by Dodgy (talk | contribs) (New page: Hi all, I found Active Worlds in 2001 after watching a documentary on telly about VR on the net. After two years I became a Cit and I've been here ever since. Some of you know me, some of ...)
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Hi all, I found Active Worlds in 2001 after watching a documentary on telly about VR on the net. After two years I became a Cit and I've been here ever since. Some of you know me, some of you do not; I'm in England so time zones prevent me taking part in some events. Bingo is great fun, but as I've not got my own world, I gave away what I won to world owners I knew. AC!T (was it spelt like that?) is where I started out as they had a great choice of avatar. I met Kimdelee, Melabunny, Pineriver, GSK and the famous 'Mr. Bruce.' Over the years I've met and spoken to loads of people and built some stuff. (Why are doors so hard to make? Mine twist in the middle rather than open where the hinges are!) Some names I know are male, some names I know are female. If you can see the other person it's easy, but at parties I just see names in the chat window and it can be years before I find out if that person was male or female. But that's ok, it doesn't matter. After all, this is 'virtual.'

I wrote this in April 2010. I've seen other users pages and they are full of links and pictures and stuff. I'll add some of that if I find out how.