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The Privacy dialog allows you to control some of the information which other citizens of Active Worlds can learn about you. It also lets you control whether or not people you have not specified individual settings for in your contact list can send you files or join requests.

To adjust your privacy settings, go to the Options menu and select Settings..., then click on the Privacy tab.


  • Hide my online/offline/AFK status: This setting places a question mark icon next to your name in people's contact lists where the online checkmark of AFK icon would otherwise be displayed to indicate that you are online or in "Away From Keyboard" (AFK) mode.
  • Hide my current world: This setting allows you to hide which world you are currently in so that it will not be displayed next to your name in people's contact lists. By default, if someone else has you on their contact list, they will be able to see what world you are in when you are logged in.
  • Block telegrams and whispers: This setting blocks incoming telegrams and whispers.
  • Block join requests: With this option set, if anyone tries to send you a join request they will receive a message stating that their request to join was refused.
  • Block file transfers: With this option set, if anyone tries to send you a file they will receive a message stating that you did not accept their File Transfer request. Note that for security reasons, you will always be asked to verify a file transfer request before it is accepted. Note: File transfers have been disabled in the Active Worlds Universe.

Other Settings

  • Confirm contact list add requests: This allows the user to select which people are allowed on their contact lists.
  • Confirm join requests: Causes a confirmation message to be displayed when someone tries to join you.
  • Automatically enter AFK mode: Set the number of minutes where you want to automatically be set as AFK.
  • Automatically leave AFK mode on keyboard activity: Leaves AFK mode automatically when you start typing.
  • Allow relay my chat to non-privileged bots: Enables or disables chat to be relayed to non-privileged bots. By unchecking this, you deny bots the opportunity of logging or rebroadcasting your chat.