Object Properties Dialog

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Object Properties Dialog Box with alternative states for multiple selections

The Object Properties Dialog is the main interface for building, moving, and changing objects in the world. It is a branching, dynamic dialog that changes based on the type of object selected.

Global fields

These fields are available in every window menu within the Object Properties dialog box.


Determines the type of the selected object from:


The root position of the selected object in the world. This is the center point of the mesh for an object, otherwise it is the bottom-center point of an indicator for other types. If many objects are selected, this is the center of the entire group calculated by their root positions (not bounding boxes).

Positions are displayed in meters with a maximum precision of two decimal places. The coordinates of an object can be determined by dividing the X and Z position values by 10, with West and North represented as positive.

With build rights, these locations are directly editable. Edits instantly update the position of the object.


Shows the rotation of the object on all 3 axis. The values are represented as a Euler vector in degrees between -180 and 180.


When multiple objects are selected, this is the virtual position of the point applied rotations pivot around. This is automatically set to the centered position of all selected objects. Whilst the fields are editable, changing the values have no effect on the pivot point.


The citizen number of the owner of the selected object.


The name of the owner of the selected object.


The date when the object was created or last changed, based on the user's local time.

Cell Limit

The percentage and total bytes of the cell data limit used within the particular cell the selected object is within.

Load/Save Object Group

These buttons relate to the loading and saving of object groups. The load button loads an AWG at the Location position of the whole selection. When multiple objects are selected, the save button becomes available. This saves the selection with objects relatively positioned from the Location position.

Model-based object

These are the fields available for the standard model-based type of object.


Name of the model to be displayed. The model must be available in the world's object path and in the registry, for registry-enabled worlds.


A text describing the object. Any entered text will be displayed as a tool-tip on the object upon hover. If an applied sign command is not explicitly given a string, it will use this description text. This is limited to 256 unicode characters.


Action triggers and functions based on the object scripting system. This is limited to 256 unicode characters.