New Arklay City

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New Arklay City
Community of AWTeen

AWTeen 2850S 1400E 0A 0


Hyper Anthony


November 6, 2004





New Arklay City is a large town in AWTeen, owned by Hyper Anthony. At the height of its activity, the town had a core group of 10 members, and near 200 builders. In terms of land area and population, it is easily the largest town in AWTeen. The city is mostly inactive, however the town is still open to any user who wants land.


New Arklay City followed the rules and regulations of the Scarabian Republic Charter as a condition of being in the Scarabian Republic. Essentially, the town is ran by a core staff of governors and a mayor, who vote on important issues in the town. Upon its revival in 2007,


  • Hyper Anthony - Founder of New Arklay City, Mayor from November 2004 to June 2006, Jan 2007 to present.
  • Jaguar Hahn - Mayor of New Arklay City from June 2006 to Dec 2006. Previously manager of Hahn Estates.
  • GC - Governor of the Cypress District.
  • Newman111 - Manager of Palm Estates
  • Jesse. - Manager of Baywater
  • Matt888 - Governor of the Seaside District
  • MrMeh - Manager of Forest Lake
  • Master Penguin - Manager of Northcross
  • RoxRox - Manager of San Jose
  • Joshua. - Manager of Silver Creek
  • Hicks8


New Arklay is for the large part a flat city, however, there are exceptions. To the south of the city is a long mountain range, as well as between the Central and Cypress Districts of the city. Several waterways run through the city, and it sports two large lakes.

Settlements in the city are usually long distances apart, due to the city's great size. Forests and plains fill in the gaps.



New Arklay City was created on November 6, 2004, as a simple side-project by Hyper Anthony. A simple ground zero and information center were created, along with expansive ground cover and roads. Hyper Anthony then invited several of his friends to build, and the city began steady expansion from that point.

Throughout the month of November, many innovative ideas were launched that would later be attributed to the town's initial success. One such was a Tourist Neighborhood, named Flushing Oaks. Tourists could not build there, but they could customize the interior of a pre-fabricated house object and a staff member of the city would build it for them. Other projects included extensive work with pcnate to tie his AWTeen Interway project into the city's road network, and applying New Arklay to the Scarabian Republic.

The drive to become a city of the Scarabian Republic drove expansion even further over the next month, as new bot-controlled games such as Checkers/Chess were added, as well as an information bot at the city ground zero. Before the end of the year, the town had over 50 builders, and had received Station #361 of Lensman's Teleport Maze.


On January 4, New Arklay was inducted into the Scarabian Republic. It received its own forum on the Scarabian Republic forums, which is archived here. Within several days of each other, the New Arklay City Journal and NACDU were created as city newspapers. NACDU grew as an independent organization as the city reached 75 builders by the end of January.

Over the next several months, the Central District of New Arklay rapidly expanded, overtaking old settlements in the immediate area. One such settlement, Amber Town, became the foundation for a new urban building area. Building would soon slow down as community ties were instead established, and as New Arklay networked with other towns in Alphaworld and AWTeen. During this time, Jaguar Hahn was established a new precinct of the city, named Hahn Estates.

During the summer, Jaguar Hahn joined forces with GC, to create a new district in the city, named Cypress Estates. This merger combined the precincts of Hahn Estates and Cypress Hollow. Palm Estates was later formed by Newman111 and joined the Cypress Estates district. Major expansion took place in the months following this, including the creation of notable structures such as AWTeen Highway 13, and Globe Stadium. On June 24, New Arklay achieved a milestone of 100 residents.

Towards the fall, New Arklay slowed down a bit, as Hyper Anthony was busy with matters in real life. During this time, RoxRox first started building in New Arklay as a tourist with GC. Once Hyper Anthony returned, the ground zero area was renovated and the city staff prepared for the 1st birthday festival.

In December, Matt888 and MrMeh joined the city as precinct owners. Matt created the precinct of West Lake City, and Meh started Forest Lake. Matt888 began to regularly produce a map of the city.

2005: Birthday Festival

Festival Tents and Activities at NAC Ground Zero.

New Arklay's 1st Birthday Festival was the most successful event held in the city's time, held on the weekend of the 12th and 13th. The ground zero was modified to hold event tents and trailers, and a new cave system was released to the public, complete with its own mini-game. Two building contests were held in the weeks before this event, linked by a PhoneBot.

Participants would win points for being in or winning events in the birthday festival. At the end of the weekend, the points were tallied, and the winners were:


On January 6, Hyper Anthony became an AWTeen Caretaker. This aided greatly in the city's expansion and development, as trash could then be freely removed or edited. Even as the city continued to expand, though, a wedge in the relationship of the staff members began to develop over the year and would eventually be the town's undoing.

One contributing factor was the promotion of West Lake City to district status. Confusion among the staff members as to the acceptance of the status led to quarreling, which grew in the coming weeks. Master Penguin joined the city during this time, with a precinct known as Northcross.

Staff members continued to quarrel with each other over the coming months, which was met with new rules, regulations, and more fighting. Even with this occurring though, progress was made. New Arklay City received a very large city hall, complete with an office space for each staff member, a rotunda room containing the now second largest dome in AWTeen, and an interactive Library/Cafeteria.

2006: New Arklay's Decline

Fed up with the constant bickering of the staff members, Hyper Anthony surrendered the position of mayor on June 8, 2006. A public vote then held on the community forums, and Jaguar Hahn was named as the new mayor.

Joshua. got some land and started work on a new district called Silver District on the very end of a river heading north but fed up with nobody to do joint-projects with he later steped down as governor and started a new precinct near Hahn Estates called Creekwood. Where a few projects started one of which was a tunnel going underground streching over 100 coords between Hahn Estates and Creekwoood.

Some developments took place after the switching of power, but overall, the city went into a decline from which it would not recover. Finally, in early November 2006, New Arklay fell inactive as it's remaining staff members moved on to a new city, named Oakdale.


On January 2, Hyper Anthony re-took control of New Arklay, and stated that the city will continue to remain mostly inactive, however he will continue to give lots to builders and tourist homes to any tourists that want one.

2007:Successor State

Despite the general inactivity across New Arklay, Cypress Hollow has continued to develop under the leadership of GC and is considered New Arklay's successor state. Cypress Hollow applied for admission into the Scarabian Republic and never obtained it, though they do continue to remain active through 2009 under the leadership of GC.

Notable Locations

  • Ground Zero :: AWTeen 2850s 1400e :: New Arklay's Ground Zero was an active hub of the city in its heyday. The ground zero area sports an Information Building, History Center, Organization Pavilion, and a Gaming Center. In addition to this, the gz area was host to a variety of bots, for both informative and gaming purposes.
  • NAC City Hall :: AWTeen 2961.5s 1370e 5.7a 180 :: The New Arklay City Hall, though to a degree incomplete, was one of the building crowning achievements of the city. The building features a meeting hall, library, cafeteria, large routunda, and offices for all of the staff.
  • Flushing Oaks :: AWTeen 2838s 1380e :: Flushing Oaks, a small neighborhood, was New Arklay's solution for tourist participation in the city. Tourists could e-mail Hyper Anthony for a pre-fabricated house with an interior customized to their specifications, and it would be built in the neighborhood. The neighborhood also featured a large community center, with helpful information and games available for tourists.
  • Skunk Village Adventure :: AWTeen 2831s 1329.5e 90 :: Released on New Arklay's First Birthday Festival, the Skunk Village Adventure is a game that takes the player through a deep cave system.
  • Globe Stadium :: AWTeen 2780s 1130e :: Globe Stadium, built mostly by GC was one of NAC's various sporting builds, and often held events.
  • Club Atthill :: AWTeen 2844s 1748e 90 :: Club Atthill is an underground dance club that was used in the bithday festival in NAC.

External links

Caretaker Organizations
NurseMom None Currently Active

Towns and Communities

Blue Moon VillageCobalt CityCypress HollowDiamond HeightsGooglHuntingtonHydrogen CityKingsvilleKittyKatt's CityLunariusMoonlight HeightsNew Arklay CityNew Capital CityNew Walnut CityOakdaleOld Capital CityPalmshirePerpetual CityPhoenix CitySky View CityUnity CityWinter City