ActiveWiki:Conduct Guidelines

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ActiveWiki Administration
Administrators (SysOpsBureaucrats) : AndrasChrispegCryonicsGSKHyper AnthonyRickShamusStacey

Report Administrator MisconductPolicies (Discussion) • Conduct GuidelinesContent Guidelines

The Active Worlds Conduct Guidelines are a series of rules that are enforced in AWI owned worlds in the Active Worlds Universe. These rules are enforced particularly in public building worlds by the Peacekeepers.

As a project owned by AWI, these guidelines (if applicable) are also enforced by the ActiveWiki SysOps.

Conduct Guidelines

  • Please do not insult other tourists or citizens by use of inflammatory or offensive statements or images. We ask that you refrain from expressions of bigotry, racism, hatred, or profanity. Please do not harass other users, including verbal abuse or personal attacks.
  • Please do not engage in racial, religious, ethnic, or sexual slurs, lewd comments, or generally disruptive behaviour in public areas.
  • Public meeting areas are not appropriate spaces for cyber-sexual behaviour, sexual orientation discussions or activity.
  • The use of all caps is considered shouting, please refrain from using caps unless you are intending to shout. Please refrain from flooding (continuous posting of repetitive text)as this can be annoying to users.
  • Activeworlds Inc. or its associates reserve the right to enforce compliance with these guidelines, which may include temporary or permanent ejection from the world.


If you have questions, concerns, or inquiries regarding these rules, you may inquire at If the concern is specifically related to the ActiveWiki, you may seek more specific attention through the attention of a SysOp.


Activeworlds Inc. also reserves the following rights: To amend or change the Activeworlds Inc. conduct Guidelines or End User License Agreement at any time and without notice. To release current or past member information if Activeworlds Inc. believes that a member's account is in violation of the Activeworlds Inc. conduct Guidelines or End User License Agreement, is being used to commit unlawful acts, if the information is subpoenaed and/or if Activeworlds Inc. deems it necessary and/or appropriate. To deny membership to serious or repeat offenders of the Activeworlds Inc. conduct Guidelines or End User License Agreement. To remove members for conduct that Activeworlds Inc. believes is harmful to other members, to non-members or to Activeworlds Inc. as a business. Activeworlds Inc. makes no guarantee of availability of service and reserves the right to change, withdraw, suspend, or discontinue any functionality or feature of Active Worlds.

In no event will Activeworlds Inc. be liable for any damages, including, without limitation, direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential, or punitive damages arising out of the use of or inability to use Active Worlds or any conduct therein. This disclaimer applies, without limitation, to any damages or injury, whether for breach of contract, tort, or otherwise, caused by any failure of performance; error; omission; interruption; deletion; defect; delay in operation or transmission; computer virus; file corruption; communication-line failure; network or system outage; or theft, destruction, unauthorized access to, alteration of, or use of any record.

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