Aw terrain set

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Minimum requirements
Added in version 3.3
SDKbuild 24

int aw_terrain_set (int cell_x, int cell_z, int count, int texture, int *heights)


Uploads a single row of terrain data.




This is the primary method for uploading terrain data from SDK applications. It uploads a single row of count cells of terrain data, up to a maximum of 1000 cells, starting at the cell identified by x and z and extending in the positive X direction (West). The elevation values are specified in an array of shorts pointed to by heights. All the cells are assigned the texture value of texture. If the row of terrain data requires multiple texture values then it must be uploaded via multiple calls to this method.

Only world server administration instances or those owned by a caretaker (i.e. aw_bool (AW_WORLD_CARETAKER_CAPABILITY) returns 1) or those that have emiment domain (i.e. aw_bool (AW_WORLD_EMINENT_DOMAIN_CAPABILITY) returns 1) may use this method.

For version 4.1 and later: The application must set AW_TERRAIN_VERSION_NEEDED to the required version. Version 1 of the terrain (pre 4.1) represented heights in short integers (16 bits) and textures in bytes (8 bits). Version 2 of terrain data represents heights in integers (32 bits) and textures in short integerts (16 bits). Version 2 is the default for version 4.1 applications and is reset to a value of 2 each entering a world.

See the terrain section for more information on manipulating terrain from the SDK.


Cell X coordinate (East - West)
Cell Z coordinate (South - North)
Number of cells.
Texture to use for the cells.
Heights to use for the cells.

Argument attributes


Return values

The connection to the world is down.

Returned attributes



Upload a GRID_SIZE x GRID_SIZE grid of terrain data, centered at GZ.

#define GRID_SIZE 100
#define TEXTURE   0

int heights[GRID_SIZE][GRID_SIZE];

void upload_terrain (void)
  int rc;
  int z;
  // terrain version 1 requires signed short integer (2 bytes = 16 bits) for heights (limited to about +/- 320 meters)
  // terrain version 2 requires signed integer (4 bytes = 32 bits) for heights
  // terrain version 2 is the default since SDK 4.1, heights required as 32 bit signed integers
  // aw_int_set (AW_TERRAIN_VERSION_NEEDED, 2);
  for (cell_z = 0; cell_z < GRID_SIZE; cell_z++)
    rc = aw_terrain_set (-GRID_SIZE / 2, cell_z - GRID_SIZE / 2, GRID_SIZE, TEXTURE, heights[cell_z]);
    if (rc != RC_SUCCESS)
      printf ("Unable to upload terrain (reason %d)\n", rc);


#include <limits.h>
#define HOLE          (USHRT_MAX - 1)
#define MAXIMUM_ELEV  (1000 * 100)  // max height of 1000 meters
#define MINIMUM_ELEV  (-1000 * 100) // min height of -1000 meters

int my_set_terrain_hole (int cell_x, int cell_z, int height)
  //<-- validate arguments
  if (height > MAXIMUM_ELEV)      height = MAXIMUM_ELEV;
  else if (height < MINIMUM_ELEV) height = MINIMUM_ELEV;
  if (abs(cell_x) > aw_int (AW_WORLD_SIZE) + 10 || abs(cell_z) > aw_int (AW_WORLD_SIZE) + 10)
    return -1; // invalid argument
  return aw_terrain_set (cell_x, cell_z, 1, HOLE, &height);

Texture Rotation

#include <limits.h>

#define MAX_TEXTURES  500
#define HOLE          (USHRT_MAX - 1)
#define MAXIMUM_ELEV  (1000 * 100)  // max height of 1000 meters
#define MINIMUM_ELEV  (-1000 * 100) // min height of -1000 meters
#define TEXTURE_MASK  0x3FFF
#define ROTATE_90     0x4000

int my_set_terrain_rotation (int cell_x, int cell_z, int height, int tex, int degrees)
  int tex_rotated   = 0;
  int tex_unrotated = tex & TEXTURE_MASK;
  int prev_rotation = tex >> 14; // just for reference, not used here
  //<-- validate arguments
  if (tex == HOLE || tex_unrotated < 0 || tex_unrotated > MAX_TEXTURES)
    return -1; // n/a, invalid argument
  if (abs(cell_x) > aw_int (AW_WORLD_SIZE) + 10 || abs(cell_z) > aw_int (AW_WORLD_SIZE) + 10)
    return -1; // invalid argument
  if (height > MAXIMUM_ELEV)      height = MAXIMUM_ELEV;
  else if (height < MINIMUM_ELEV) height = MINIMUM_ELEV;
  // generic form:
  // tex_rotated = tex_unrotated | (ROTATE_90 * max(abs(degrees / 90), 3));
  // accept degrees in range of -360° to +360°, in steps of 90°:
  switch (degrees) {
    case 0:    // no rotation
    case 360:
    case -360:
      tex_rotated = tex_unrotated;
    case 90:   // left
    case -270:
      tex_rotated = tex_unrotated | ROTATE_90;
    case 180:
    case -180:
      tex_rotated = tex_unrotated | (ROTATE_90 * 2);
    case 270:  // right
    case -90:
      tex_rotated = tex_unrotated | (ROTATE_90 * 3);
      return -1; // invalid argument
  return aw_terrain_set (cell_x, cell_z, 1, tex_rotated, &height);

See also