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Minimum requirements
Added in version 4.1
SDKbuild 53





Angle in the XZ plane between the Z axis of the mover entity and the rider (not the world coordinate system).


This attribute is used together with AW_AVATAR_DISTANCE and AW_AVATAR_Y_DELTA to determine the position of a rider relative to the mover entity.

For positive values of angle modulo 3600 (assuming positive values of AW_AVATAR_DISTANCE):

  • angle = 0 is along the z+
  • 0 < angle < 900 is in the x-, z+ quadrant
  • angle = 900 is along the x-
  • 900 < angle < 1800 is in the x-, z- quadrant
  • angle = 1800 is along the z-
  • 1800 < angle < 2700 is in the x+, z- quadrant
  • angle = 2700 is along the x+
  • 2700 < angle < 3600 is in the x+, z+ quadrant

For negative values of angle modulo 3600 (assuming positive values of AW_AVATAR_DISTANCE):

  • angle = 0 is along the z+
  • -3600 < angle < -2700 is in the x-, z+ quadrant
  • angle = -2700 is along the x-
  • -2700 < angle < -1800 is in the x-, z- quadrant
  • angle = -1800 is along the z-
  • -1800 < angle < -900 is in the x+, z- quadrant
  • angle = -900 is along the x+
  • -900 < angle < 0 is in the x+, z+ quadrant
XZ plane (top view)


              | ___  * r
              |/ a \/
              |    /
              |   /
              |  /
              | /
  x- ---------m--------- x+


m = Mover entity origin.
x = Mover entity X axis.
z = Mover entity Z axis.
r = Rider.
mr = Vector from m to r (AW_AVATAR_DISTANCE).
a = Angle between mr and z+ (AW_AVATAR_ANGLE).


When the rider is a browser:

Minimum:-1800 tenths of a degree
Maximum:1800 tenths of a degree

When the rider is a bot:

Minimum:-2147483648 tenths of a degree
Maximum:2147483647 tenths of a degree

Used by

See also